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You can quickly view job comments and filter all jobs by date, crew leaders, clients, blocks, tasks, division, the job’s status, invoice status, and even late jobs synced after the pay period.



Pro Tip - use the Column Filter.png icon to add or remove columns from view on this page


Icon Combo

What does it mean

no client access.png

This means this job has not been linked to an Invoice, and this icon no client access icon.pngmeans that the Client does not have Client Access.

Invoice Create but not Approved.png

This means an invoice has been created with this Job, but has not been approved by the a Client with Client Access, and has not been sent.

Invoice created, approved not sent.png

This means an invoice has been created for this Job, and the Client with Client Access has approved this invoice.

Invoice created, approved, sent.png

This combo means the Invoice that has been created with this Job has been, Created, Client Approved, and Sent to Xero


Pro Tip: You create Invoices from this page, by filtering the Jobs to the Client, Locations, and/or Tasks you would like to invoice for, selecting all jobs that apply, and selecting “ADD TO INVOICE.”

Related Topics:


Jobs Menu → Reviewing and Editing Jobs in the Office App


Jobs Menu → Timesheets


Operations Menu → Projects


Operations Menu → Scheduled Tasks



If your organisation does not use the Client Access Feature, but the thumbs up icon is showing, this can be linked to Job Approvers selecting “READY” under the CLIENT ACCESS options for Bulk Edit → Job Status, when they are approving Jobs.