Tātou Kiosk Manager Tools and Checks

Tātou Kiosk Manager Tools and Checks

As Kiosk Managers it is important to understand how Kiosk Scan flow through to Job and Timesheet creation, as well as how any missing information will impact these these.

Scans Always Need A Mate

In order to create a New Job with Complete Timesheets in the Tātou Office App each scan must have its opposite action.

Clock In login_24dp_5F6368_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24.png requires a Clock Out logout_24dp_5F6368_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24.png

Start Break coffee_24dp_5F6368_FILL1_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24.png requires an End Break coffee_24dp_5F6368_FILL1_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24.png

Any Scan that does not have a match at the end of the day will trigger alerts in the Tātou Office App, and require manual correction by managers the following day.

Task Changes Require Full Scan Sets

If an employee works on one task in the morning, and swaps to another task in the afternoon they must Clock OUT of the first Task, then Clock IN (and eventually OUT) of the new Task. When Jobs are created in the Tātou Office App that employee will have Timesheets on 2 different Jobs.

Editing Timesheet Times in the Field App

If an employee forgets a Kiosk Scan and scans in LATER than they actually started, Kiosk Managers are able to UNLOCK the Kiosk, locate the late scan, select the GREEN Edit Button → edit button.png ← to open the scan log, and change the Timesheet Time to the employees actual scan time.

Timestamped Scan time will remain visible however Timesheets on the Jobs created from the scans will reflect the edited time.

Remember to Start the Kiosk again after making any necessary corrections.

Kiosk Setup Changes

Once a Kiosk is set up for the first time, the selections made remain in place until changes are made. This makes it easy for Kiosk Managers to provide staff with the Tasks required, without having to update the Kiosk Settings every day.

Changes to Kiosk Set Up after Employees have Clocked In can result in errors if a setting that was present when they scanned in was not present. Ideally any changes to the Kiosk Set Up would occur before work has started or after work is completed for the day.

The most common change would be to Add a Task. To do this:

  1. Unlock the Kiosk

  2. Select Start Kiosk

  3. Tap the Tasks list in the top RIGHT Corner

  4. Add the missing Task(s)

  5. Save

  6. Start Kiosk

Office App Changes to Task, Client, Location, Block and/or Employees

When information changes in the Tātou Office App, that is used in the Kiosk, Kiosk Managers will need to RELOAD data to ensure the background information that the Kiosk is using is accurate. Examples of this could be:

  • A new Task is added

  • A Client's name has changed

  • A new Block is loaded

  • An old Location is made Inactive

  • A new Employee has been added