How To: Start A New Job
Starting a New Job can be done using “Start A Job” in the Tātou Field App Menu OR by tapping the ADD button → ← in the bottom left corner of the Jobs Screen.
Set the Date:
Using the Date Selector choose the Date you’d like associated with the Job
Jobs can be backdated up to 6 days in Tātou Field App. If you are trying to add a Job that was done more than 6 days ago, this will have to be done in the Tātou Office App.
Add a Task:
Choosing a task can be done in a few ways:
Search by Task Name, and tap to Select
Tap to Select from “Recently Used”
Tap “All Tasks” and Scroll through a list of all Tasks.
Tātou Terminology Review:
Internal Task: Internal Tasks are ones that are not associated with a Client, Location, or Block. Things like - Staff Meetings, Admin, Travel Time. IF you select an Internal Task you will not be asked for Client, Location or Blocks.
Client Task: Tasks that are associated with a Client, Location, Block. Users must select a Client, Location, and at least 1 Block to proceed to the next screen.
Select Client, Location, and Blocks:
Using the Search or “All Clients” List tap the Client you would like to add
Using the Search or “All Locations” List tap the Location you would like to add
Using the Search or “All Blocks” List tap the Block(s) you would like to add
If rate type is NOT hourly only add blocks that are paid out at the same unit rate.
How would you like to track this job?
Select the Tracking Type you would like to use:
Hours Only: From task and block selection to timesheet entry, Hours Only fast tracks timesheet entry when task progress is NOT required.
Simple Summary: Used for tracking tasks where task completion across blocks or even rows is required.
Assign Rows: Tatou Field App’s Assign Rows Feature is your digital block sheet.
Forms Only: Only available for tasks with Forms that are linked, similar to Hours Only this will not track task progress.
Tag & Track: Only available for organisations with Tag & Track enabled. Uses QR Codes and scanning to track units, and add comments.
Next Up…
Manage Attendance - IF not previously completed using Attendance Feature.