Employee Status Management - Best Practice

Employee Status Management - Best Practice

Tātou was built with managing seasonal employees in mind, so to keep things simple Employees can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE which allows Organisation to maintain records while also controlling access and usage in the Apps.

Managing Employee Status

We recommend keeping Tātou up to date by managing Employee Status regularly. This will also make sure that employees who should be using the app or be tracked in the app are available, and those who are not cannot.

Inactive v.s. Delete?

  • INACTIVE Status keeps your records complete, but removes the employees access and usage

  • DELETING an employee deletes them and your records of them

While Delete is an option our recommendation is generally to deactivate items or employees by setting the status to INACTIVE.

Marking Employees who have left as INACTIVE


When an employee leaves your organisation changing their status to INACTIVE will revoke any access they have to Tātou Field and/or Office App.

We also recommend adding the Employment Period Dates if you have not already, or adding the Employment Period End Date, so that your records are complete.

If the employee has left in the middle of a pay period and status changed to INACTIVE, their information and timesheets will still be shown in the current pay period and reporting features.

How to Mark Employees INACTIVE or ACTIVE

There are 3 ways to mark an employee INACTIVE or ACTIVE:

  1. In the Employee Profile

    1. Simply switch the ACTIVE toggle to INACTIVE or ACTIVE in the top right corner of their profile page

  2. Using the BULK EDIT Feature

    1. Select 1 or more Employees on the Employee Page

    2. Select BULK EDIT

    3. Replace Status


  3. Using the BULK IMPORT Feature

    1. Change the value in the status column to “inactive”

    2. Import the file ensuring to switch the toggle to UPDATE EXISTING LINES

Pro Tip: For seasonal workers who are arriving or leaving in a group adding them to a Tātou Group will make it simple to mark them as inactive using the BULK EDIT feature. Simply filter the Employees to the Group who are leaving OR coming back, and Replace Status with the correct status.

Reactivating Returnees

When employees return, whether they are RSE/PALM workers, casuals, or formerly permanent staff, they can be reactivated in Tātou. There are a couple of ways to reactivate employees depending on the level of detail that is required in their Employee Profile.

  1. In the Employee Profile

    1. Simply switch the ACTIVE toggle to ACTIVE in the top right corner of their profile page

  2. Using the BULK EDIT Feature

    1. Select 1 or more Employees on the Employee Page

    2. Select BULK EDIT

    3. Replace Status

    4. ACTIVE

  3. Using the BULK IMPORT Feature

    1. Update the employee details

    2. Import the file ensuring to switch the toggle to UPDATE EXISTING LINES

Pro Tip: If you want to update employee information BEFORE reactivating the employees click here for more information.

*NEW FEATURE* Untracked by Default

As of the end of November we’ve added a new feature to Employee Profiles which allows Organisation to mark staff who use Tātou, but should not be tracked in Tātou. Click here for more information.


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